It was a big event in our house this week..Scotty lost his 1st tooth! It was so fitting because his preschool graduation was this week also and it just solidified the fact that he is growing UP..too fast!
His tooth was just loose one day, and out the next so he got a nice visit from the tooth fairy which he was happy about.
Then, his preschool graduation was so fantastic. They sang America songs for their program, like "God Bless America", "Grand ol' flag," and Yankee Doodle Dandy". It was really amazing how well they did and Scotty is SO ready for kindergarten. He is reading sight words well, counting to 200 and to 19 in Spanish. I think the real reason he wants to go to kinder so bad is because he just wants to be able to ride his bike to school with a big boy. It was a bitter sweet day for me and it was hard to say goodbye to his wonderful teacher, Ms. Betsy. She had made them a little scrapbook of the year to remember everything. It was such a great day! We love you Scotty..
Friday, May 22, 2009
More Catching Up-
2:38 PM
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Birthdays Galore!!
I am so behind.. this is the story of my life these days. I can't get anywhere on time (which is nothing new) and I never seem to have enough time in the day to get things done lately! Anyway, I am trying to update what has been going on in our lives the past few months so I'll try and be brief..
Our first big event is that Spencer turned 2!! Oh, probably what you are thinking! We went to Peter Piper Pizza with a few friends and had cake. Spence is so easy to entertain and we can throw him a cheap party. We don't have to pay for games because he doesn't care if they work..he just wants to play on them. It was alot of following him around the place as he moved from thing to thing but he had a great time. I can't believe my baby is 2!! Time flies and he is just a joy in our family. He is such a happy kid with a gusto for life.. He is full force in everything he does..which might be great later in his life..(right now, it can be exhausting!) We love him so much though and had a great day with him.
Next up was Abbey's Birthday (we have had a lot of birthdays lately..) She was turning 9 and.. It was a wild and crazy girls night. We invited 10 girls over for pedicures, pizza, a movie, dancing and cake. We had a GREAT time and thank goodness my friend Anne helped me entertain these fun girls. Abbey really has such cute friends. I can't believe how old she is getting..she is into all the girly things and a couple of her friends has cell phones already. It was a fun celebration and we love having her in our family too..she is so sweet and sensitive.. She is smart, creative and just a joy as a daughter so I am glad we got to honor her that day..
2:05 PM
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