Monday, September 22, 2008
Go Cowboys!! 3-0 Baby!
Can you tell we are fans! We hope this is the Cowboys year..Steve is such a die hard I had to post in honor of him!
4:59 PM
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Are you ready for some T-ball?
Scotty just started T-ball as an "Indian" and is having a blast! He has never played before but seems to like it. Half the time, he can't remember if he is batting or in the outfield. The first time he went to bat, he hit the ball and ran to 1st base..I thought, alright, he's getting it, but then when the next batter hit, he went chasing after the ball instead of running to 2nd maybe he doesn't quite get it yet..whatever, he's having fun so who cares. Here he is with his new uniform and with his friend Brock who plays on his team..
3:14 PM
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Thursday, September 18, 2008
Goodbye to you..
So I have to break my blog slump by posting a quick ode to my friend Amy Barlow! She is moving to Florida and I am so, so sad about it. Amy was one of the first people I met when we moved to McKinney and we instantly clicked. I can't believe her little guy, Garrett was only 1 and Scotty was just like a few months old.
That was 5 fantastic years ago and we have been through so much since then. She is seriously one of my favorite people on the planet. We have laughed together, cried together, cried while laughing and yes, even a few times even, disliked each other. We have gone to a gazillion baby showers, birthdays (I can't ever forget Jeff singing "Part Time Lover" karaoke and Sharalyn's bday), our kids birthdays at every play place in the state. We've shared the births of our own babies, shared our ups and downs, shared tragedies in ours and our friends lives, blessings, and bapstims... Lunch at McDonalds with our kids for a "play group" which really meant chat time for us.. dinners, desserts, late night movies.. and who could forget..Pat Benetar:)
My best memory of us is was at the Journey/Def Leppard concert, (hence the song playing now) a few summers ago--yeah baby!! That was one of the most fun times of my life. I will so miss you Amy and all the fun and friendship you have brought to my life. You are such an amazing peron, and it is hard to say goodbye ;(, but know we will always think of you and we wish you the best with all the great things that are to come-
Love you--
Here's all our boys on Halloween a few years ago..Scotty will miss Garrett so much!
Here's all the girls!
1:07 PM
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Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Back to School..
I can't believe it is already time again but here we are! Abbey just started 3rd grade, as if I don't feel old enough, and Scotty has one more year of PreK. He turns 5 in Novemeber so he is an older Pre-K kid. He's going 4 days a week, which he loves and so do I! The day Abbey went back to school, he was asking me by 10 am when Abbey would be home so he's been quite bored without her. This week he started back though so it's all good now.
Now, it is just me and "Hurricane Gustav", which is what I call Spencer.. That boy is going to do me in. We have some one on one time with the kids gone, so I think he is liking the extra attention.
Abbey is dancing again this year and is taking piano again also. Scotty just started T-ball today and I think he will really like lots to keep us busy.
Here are some pics of our big back to school- bowling extravaganza with some friends and abbey's first day of school.
7:51 PM
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