WOW..things have been busy these last few weeks! I will do a quick recap and let me apologize in advance for the never ending post! November has FLOWN by and so we have had all the fun fall and Thanksgiving events.
First, we celebrated Scotty's 5th birthday. Can't believe it..We had a little family party with my parents and Steve's cousin and his wife. They have a HUGE dog named Raja, who Scotty loves..
For his official party,we went to a little bounce house place called Boomerangs and the kids had a blast. I just love that kid..we had a great time.
Abbey participated in a Boosterthon Fun Run for her school and had alot of fun. She ran 26 laps around their little track and did really well. Different friends and family pledged money for her and the it was great! Here are some pics of that.
That same day was Scotty's Thanksgiving program so I had to haul over there and just barely made it!! He had on such a cute costume..I couldn't resist taking pics of it! Someday this will make him really embarrased but for looks so cute. We had a conversation later about Thanksgiving where he said: "Mom, the thing about thanksgiving is..I don't like tuhkey" (he has a funny little speech thing going on which always makes me laugh) He always keeps me laughing.
Meanwhile Spence is just a is a pic of him and I have no words because the picture says it all!
We had a great Thanksgiving and I started it off with a bang by running in the "Turkey Trot" in downtown Dallas with a friend. It was just a 5K and I use the term "running" very loosly! It was really walking, then trotting then get the idea. I was able to run a little more than half so I felt good! I was proud of my finishing time so then I felt good about pigging out for the Thanksgiving feast. Getting in shape is brutal and definitely a SLOW process!
Although it was a really sad day as well for us.. our friend and next door neighbor who has battled cancer for the last year, passed away Thanksgiving morning. She was only 39 and has two young, sweet kids that are 4 and 6 and a great husband. We felt so sad for them but at peace for Michelle since she had suffered so much. We felt it a priviledge to know her and know she is with Heavenly Father and is watching over her sweet kids and family. It really put the day in perspective and I really feel so blessed for all I wonderful husband, kids and family. I realized I was only 1 year older than her son when my dad passed and it was actually 26 years ago on Nov 28th that he died. It was a bitter sweet day and I pray for them daily, and again feel so blessed for my life and blessings! Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving also!!
Last but not are some pics of our annual girls night to eat and see "The Nutcracker". It was so incredible this year and it always makes me tear up! I just love the ballet and this year was cool because they had some professional dancers from New York who were the Sugar Plum Fairy and Cavalier. They were amazing! I was in awe. They also had a dancer who was on "So you think you can dance" this last season and we all know what a big fan I am of that show. He was in the top 8 boys and was voted off pretty early but still one of my faves! His name is Chris and of course, I had to get a picture after with him..he was GREAT! That was the highlight of me and Abbey's night..we had such a great time and I love my girl!
That is it for now.. can't believe it is almost Christmas..Yikes!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Catch Up!
7:08 PM
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I have missed your blogging, what a whirlwind of a month you have had. Abbey is so cute and what a trooper to do 26 laps... way to go, I so loved Scotty's custome and what can you say about little Spencer, he looks just like my Kenzie always in to things and curious as ever... Way to go on running the 5k, it is way hard to get in shape, I'm starting right now and I just think it was awsome you did that... So sorry to hear about your friends lose, that would be so hard, I'm so grateful that families can be together for ever and the peace the gospel gives each of us... Hope you have a great Christmas- hey if you get a chance shoot me your address and Cindy's I'll be sending Christmas card
Thanks for the update, I love seeing all of the pictures. All the kids are so cute. I love Scotty's turkey outfit, and Spencer's hulk hands are great. Abbey is getting so old, it's amazing! Your girl's night is such a neat tradition. And good for you to do the 5k! You guys are awesome!
Why do your kids have to grow so fast? I swear they're way bigger than when I saw them this summer. Can you tell them to slow down at least a little?!? :) Hope you guys are having a good holiday season!!
Hey Jenny! I found your blog on Haley's blog. Looks like everything is going well with your family. I'm glad! Mind if I add you to my friends list? Merry Christmas! -Noelle
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