Boy, was this a fun year for trick or treating! We must have gone on 4 different occasions, so the amount of candy we have is unbelievable. We went to our ward trunk or treat which was a blast, and then Scotty and Abbey each had separate parties for school, dance etc. and then we have the traditional fun of walking until we drop to hit every house in the neighborhood. It was fun to see Spencer in his costume. He was a Pooh Honey Pot and you can't even imagine how cute he looked but a few people thought he was a girl so we might have to go with a more manly costume next year. He is already sitting up by himself and is just the happiest, sweetest baby. Everyone comments on how smiley and happy he is.

The older kids really looked cute in their costumes. Scotty really thinks he is stronger with his costume on since his "built in, sewn in" muscles are so big. He takes it very seriously. Abbey is of course the sweetest and cutest witch ever. She is still so skinny, she can barely keep her tights up. 

We had our traditional carving of pumpkins tonight and Abbey wanted to get right in the pumpkin to get the guts out. Scotty of course didn't want to get his hands dirty..I need to break him of that. The kids had a blast though and here are a few pics of them trying on Steve's wig for his costume.

Anyway, all in all a great time and a fun Halloween!! Steve and I leave for New York in a few days to celebrate our 10th anniversary (late), so we have to post our fun pictures when we get back!
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