Thursday, December 18, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Catch Up!
WOW..things have been busy these last few weeks! I will do a quick recap and let me apologize in advance for the never ending post! November has FLOWN by and so we have had all the fun fall and Thanksgiving events.
First, we celebrated Scotty's 5th birthday. Can't believe it..We had a little family party with my parents and Steve's cousin and his wife. They have a HUGE dog named Raja, who Scotty loves..
For his official party,we went to a little bounce house place called Boomerangs and the kids had a blast. I just love that kid..we had a great time.
Abbey participated in a Boosterthon Fun Run for her school and had alot of fun. She ran 26 laps around their little track and did really well. Different friends and family pledged money for her and the it was great! Here are some pics of that.
That same day was Scotty's Thanksgiving program so I had to haul over there and just barely made it!! He had on such a cute costume..I couldn't resist taking pics of it! Someday this will make him really embarrased but for looks so cute. We had a conversation later about Thanksgiving where he said: "Mom, the thing about thanksgiving is..I don't like tuhkey" (he has a funny little speech thing going on which always makes me laugh) He always keeps me laughing.
Meanwhile Spence is just a is a pic of him and I have no words because the picture says it all!
We had a great Thanksgiving and I started it off with a bang by running in the "Turkey Trot" in downtown Dallas with a friend. It was just a 5K and I use the term "running" very loosly! It was really walking, then trotting then get the idea. I was able to run a little more than half so I felt good! I was proud of my finishing time so then I felt good about pigging out for the Thanksgiving feast. Getting in shape is brutal and definitely a SLOW process!
Although it was a really sad day as well for us.. our friend and next door neighbor who has battled cancer for the last year, passed away Thanksgiving morning. She was only 39 and has two young, sweet kids that are 4 and 6 and a great husband. We felt so sad for them but at peace for Michelle since she had suffered so much. We felt it a priviledge to know her and know she is with Heavenly Father and is watching over her sweet kids and family. It really put the day in perspective and I really feel so blessed for all I wonderful husband, kids and family. I realized I was only 1 year older than her son when my dad passed and it was actually 26 years ago on Nov 28th that he died. It was a bitter sweet day and I pray for them daily, and again feel so blessed for my life and blessings! Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving also!!
Last but not are some pics of our annual girls night to eat and see "The Nutcracker". It was so incredible this year and it always makes me tear up! I just love the ballet and this year was cool because they had some professional dancers from New York who were the Sugar Plum Fairy and Cavalier. They were amazing! I was in awe. They also had a dancer who was on "So you think you can dance" this last season and we all know what a big fan I am of that show. He was in the top 8 boys and was voted off pretty early but still one of my faves! His name is Chris and of course, I had to get a picture after with him..he was GREAT! That was the highlight of me and Abbey's night..we had such a great time and I love my girl!
That is it for now.. can't believe it is almost Christmas..Yikes!
7:08 PM
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Friday, October 31, 2008
Halloween Trunk or Treat
We went to our annual Trunk or Treat at our church building last night. The kids had a great time and we decided to match them this year. It turned out cute and here are some pics..The kids got more candy than they know what to do with and we still have Halloween night to get more..yikes! This just means I'll be eating more candy than I should..whatever..carpe diem!
1:23 PM
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Catching Up
I have been so busy lately with everything that I haven't posted for awhile. Here's a little catch up post with random stuff. Steve is working hard and super late..probably until the end of the year so days and nights seem to run together for us. I am so grateful that he has a job considering what is going on lately.
We went a few weekends ago to a park by us that lots of people camp at.. (well, camping for Texas). It is very pretty though and we just had tinfoil dinners and s'mores etc. Steve thought it would be fun to bring his guitar and so it was fun singing and being silly. Here's a video of classic Steve filling in words to a song and trying to be funny. The video drags for a minute while everyone talks him into singing with our friend anyway, maybe it is not as funny as I think it is. All in all a good night..and can't believe we didn't have any mosquito bites or poison ivy. PS..Spence was with a babysitter..this place was too open for him to roam and get in trouble which he often does :)
Onto Spencer..he started nursery at church a few weeks ago. His first Sunday started with a bang when he stepped or most likely fell into fire ants on their little walk. They had to strip him down at church and I think he ended up with 30 or more bites. Lots of fun...huh? He survived and took a good nap after some benedryl. Here he is playing with our new animal caller. If you blow into it, it makes animal sounds. He has definitely got the hang of it. You can kind of see his bites here and there on his stomach. This kid never stops growing..maybe he'll turn out to be a linebacker for the Cowboys (jk..they need all the help they can get now!)
12:51 PM
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Monday, October 13, 2008
We've Discovered Spagettio's
When I had Abbey, I was always so careful about keeping her clean and wiping her hands ALL the time and now, by my 3rd.. I really just don't care..obviously with the pics of this child! He was having fun and he's learning to use his fork to eat so I am officially free from caring if he gets dirty..but WOW, it was fun clean up for sure. He looks like he has a beard..he stills looks cute to me.
10:33 AM
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The Big Orange Pumpkin Farm
So our tradition every year is to go to this pumpkin farm and luckily, Scott's preschool was going as a field trip. So Spencer and I went with. They get to feed animals, take a hay ride, and pick a pumpkin out in the patch. It was really fun besides Spencer trying to launch himself out of the truck during the hayride. That kid is so muscles were sore the next day from keeping him contained. They both loved picking pumpkins..especially Spencer trying to make his way through the vines. He loves to get dirty and why not let him..right? It was fun to spend a day with my boys..they keep me on my toes but I love them both so much!
Here we are:
9:40 AM
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