I thought I would give an update on Spencer since he just gets bigger every day (literally) and does so many funny things. First of all, his shirts have a HUGE ring of drool every day since his teeth have decided to come all at once. He now has his bottom two and working on his top two. He is so mobile now and follows me everywhere when I vacuum. I almost have to run away with it because he is so fast and loves the noise. For some reason, he just wants to sit his little "big" bum on it..so funny. He also loves to get into the fridge when I have it open. He actually got a hold of the chocolate syrup with his hand and was trying to manuever it out of the shelf..meanwhile he has his mouth open and drool coming out because he can't wait to just get his mouth on that syrup.
He definitely keeps me laughing!! He is now also pulling himself up to things to get a better look..he'll be walking before I know it. He has the biggest smile in the world..which definitely comes from me (the oversmiler) but he is so happy all the time. Here are a few cute pics of him lately..

... and for all those people who "think" he looks like Steve..
then here is a pic of me as a baby and you can see that he actually does look like ME too..

OH My gosh! He is so cute-look at those baby blues! I can't believe how similar your pictures look. That one of the 2 boys is so adorable too!
Your boys are soo cute!! What fun to play in the leaves. Our trees are so small that you don't get enough leaves to kick around.
what a cutie!! i'll have reese wait for him while he's on his mission!!
oh, couldn't get thru all the ads on the color test-yellow definitely suits you though. perfect fit!
Spencer is sooo cute!!! My first son would cry like crazy when I would start the vacuum... but Landon get's all excited and his arms start moving as fast as they can go! He looks so much like you! LUCKY guy...;)
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