In honor of Valentines, I will break down and tell all about my other, better half. I have been tagged several times, but never done it it goes. BTW, I am starting with this cute pic of Steve I found today..if Scotty isn't's crazy how much they look alike, and the song playing right now is one of "ours"...old school Kenny Chesney!
What is his full name? Steven Micheal Frederick
How long have you been married? It will be 12 years on November 22nd! WOW..does that make me old?
How long did you date? We dated 4 months and were engaged 4 months.
Who eats more sweets? Probably me but we might actually tie on that one..he tends to be more of a late night nacho with cheese man.
Who said I love you first? He did ... which I thought he was joking but he was serious. His mom actually asked him in front of me the first time we met if he loved me, so maybe he felt he better follow up and really say it!?
How old is he? 33
Who is taller? He is..almost 6 feet tall.
Who is smarter? Common sense wise..he is, but I am definitely the multi tasker and am very efficient. As far as math goes though, he puts me to shame.
Who can sing better? Him..I can't really carry a all!
Who does the laundry? Me unless I am too slow, he'll start to gather a load together to give me that hint that laundry time has come.
Who pays the bills? I do. I have tried many times to hand it over but I am too much of a control freak!
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does..close to the alarm because I will sleep through it.
Who mows the lawn? Steve..I tried but couldn't even get the thing started, not to mention that I burned the grass with the edger. No more mowing for me.
Who cooks dinner? Mostly me. I have the same 5 recipes I repeat so when he gets sick of it, he'll cook. He is so much better at it than me. Our first meal after we got married was chicken parmasean, that was burnt on the outside and frozen on the inside!!I've come a long way actually.
Who drives? Usually me because he drives too slow and I am a backseat driver. If we aren't in a hurry than he drives.
Who is more stubborn? Me.. Steve's too laid back to be stubborn.
Who kissed who first? He kissed me first..which I wasn't ready for so our next one was days later and that was great!
Who asked who out? He asked me to go bowling with a group of friends which I didn't end up going however, he showed up at my house after..he was persistent. Good thing he was..
Who has more siblings? Technically, I do if you include my step brothers. I have 2 sisters and 6 brothers. He has 2 sisters and a brother that passed away when he was 16 of cancer. That is who Scotty is named after.
Who wears the pants? I think Steve likes me to think I do, but we are probably about equal. He calls me on all my crap and I do the same for him.
I added this question myself: Who's funnier? If you all know Steve than that is a no brainer. He is the funniest person and there is never a dull moment with him. He is witty, and keeps things in our marriage fun. Even when I have had a bad day, I can always count on him to make me laugh. He really is such a great husband, dad and person. I hope he knows how much I truly love him. This sounds cheesy but he is my match in every way and I feel lucky to have him..Here is one of my favorite pics of us: Happy V-day to everyone!!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
I have been tagged..
1:47 PM
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Dude, you totally played hard to get. I love it! Steve is awesome. GREAT 'tribute'! Thanks for playing!
You guys are so great together! I love this picture of you two. You look gorgeous!
i've never met him, but he seems like a great guy. you are perfect for each other.
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