Somehow, this Easter seemed more emotional for me..not sure why but I found my self missing my dad alot! I think because I pulled some old pics out for the kids and realized how much of Spencer is my dad. They have the same eyes, and long eye lashes and sweet smile. This time is always a great time, however, to reflect on the gospel and the resurrection. It reminds me that families are forever and we will all be together again. I am so grateful for that. I wanted to post a few pics of my dad..I love to remember him this way..
I also wanted to pay tribute to a sweet little boy in my sister's ward here in Mckinney that just passed away from a brain tumor. His name is Peter Barr and he was 8. His story and his life just touched me so much because he was so strong and such a sweet boy. He was able to be baptized before he died a few weeks ago. It reminds me how precious our lives are and our children. I want to take advantage of each day and be grateful for all the I have been blessed with and for the knowledge, especially at this time of year, to think of the Savior and how it is possible to us to be with our families again. My prayers are with his family and maybe you can include them in yours..they are amazing people!
Now onto a lighter topic.. We had a great Easter weekend! My sisters family came in town from Chicago and we haven't seen them in a year so it was great to all be together..we had a fun Easter egg hunt with the kids at my mom's house and they had a blast. Spencer just wanted to shake the egg's and Scotty just wanted the money inside. Here are some pics of that and also our attempt to take some family pics..notice that Steve nor I are ever together in these but's the effort that counts since we were late and on our way to church!! Hope everyone had a great Easter!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Memories / Easter Time
1:34 PM
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That was so sweet about your Dad. I really think Spencer looks a lot like his grandpa! What a great thing to know we are going to be with our families for eternity. Also, I have to say I love the shirts you got for Abby-she looks so cute! What a fun Easter!
Jenny....I can't believe how much you look like your dad! It all makes sense now. What a wonderful legacy he's passed on through two generations. You are right...Spencer looks so much like him. Love the tribute to those you love. Love ya! Ames
Love your family!! It's been forever since I've seen your mom! How many grandkids are there now?
how neat that YOU look so much like your dad too. what a great legacy to pass on.
we have the same problem of no pics of our whole family-we'll have to get together and take family pics of each others fams'!!!
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