Always fun to start summer off with a bang. I took Spence to the after hours clinic for kids last night to confirm what I already thought was double ear infections! He has had the nice cold I gave him to deal with and the doctor said his ear was so bad that it looked like an adult ear infection because it was so red and had lots of puss. He said usually people with ear infections this bad come in crying in pain. Of course, Spence was not himself but he must be one tough kid because he's been happy on and off despite it. So I am taking the time to update my blog since we are home from church today!
We had a good week. Abbey had her first piano recital in which she did so great!! She memorized her songs which was a huge feat for her. She played 2 songs and she has really taken to it which is fun for me since I played when I was younger also.
Scotty's last day of school was last week but I hadn't posted yet on it. They did a nice presentation. He sang some fun songs and got a "diploma" for finishing his year of preschool. He has done so well and grown leaps and bounds. I am so proud of him and all he has learned!
Abbey's last day was Thursday. They did a nice program at school also and she got the award for "Awesome Attitude." I was so amazed at all she had accomplished this year. She ended up with all A's which I am so not taking credit for..she just has worked hard all year and I am so proud of her!
Not sure how I am feeling about summer upon us..Love the swimming, not having to get up every day so early and cart my kids to school etc, but our first day out of school was supposed to be bliss with everyone sleeping in until at least 8 right? Wrong! I am awakened at 7 am with Scotty screaming at Abbey and her crying because he hit her in the back. Apparently, she had taken the pillow he was sleeping on (they fell asleep in her bed the night before) Neither went back to sleep and they actually woke the baby too! Fun start to the day.
But we have had some fun stuff too! My friend Nikki hosted a end of school year bash at her house with a bunch of we swam, ate and let the kids go crazy! There must have been at least 15 kids in that pool.. After they wore themselves out, we left to come home, only to find Steve had taken the rest of his day off! The stars aligned for me so I got some much needed errands done.
That night, we also took the kids to Frisco Grooves which is a free concert at a park where different groups play music and the kids run amuck. A lady named Teri Hendrix played and she was great; Kind of folk, country music, I guess. Between the Copelands, Barlows, Wardell's, Us, Sivley's and Crane's, we must have encompassed half the kids there! The kids had a great time dancing up by the stage. They looked like groupies up there! I got laughing pretty hard at the kids going crazy.
We took some fun pics which I will post later since I forgot my camera! Thank goodness my friend Anne brought one.
All in all, a good weekend but I am wiped out! So, I guess summer break really isn't a "break" for mom's at all but regardless we had a great week!
Sunday, June 08, 2008
School's Out for Summer!!
10:35 AM
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1 comment:
Love all the pics! That was so much fun at Frisco Grooves on Friday...thanks for putting that together. :) Summer is def here-I am missing having a few hrs to myself a couple of days a week but it is nice having them home...I bet you feel the same mixed emotions.
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