We just got back and had the greatest time in Cali! It was an eventful one at that but the it kept us busy for sure. Steve has family down in the LA area and then more of his family from Oregon, Arizona and Utah came also.
We went to see Steve's grandparents in Riverside on Wednesday. They have such a beautiful back yard and the kids loved playing and swimming. We adore them and were glad we could visit. Spence just loved his Great-Grandpa Goodwin! Lots of fun..
We hit Disney last Thursday which was great. We set our alarms to get up at 6:30 to beat traffic, check into our hotel and get to Disney relatively early...which we did..however, when we all got packed up from Steve's grandma's and headed out, the clock in the rental car says 6:30am..hmmmm? Steve had set his cell phone alarm for Alaska time so really we woke up at 5:30!! Nice huh..but it worked out because we graced the gates of Disneyland at 8:00 am on the dot. No lines, no crowds and we basically rode every ride we wanted before noon. We did however, forget our camera so not alot of pics to post for that. We came home during the day and headed back for the fireworks which never actually happened but it was still fun!
Here's us in front our our Hotel..
Friday was beach day which solidified my love of California. I would live at the beach if I could. My kids were entertained for hours. We went to Hunington Beach and the weather was beautiful. The kids played with all the cousins and I followed Spencer around while he ate sand. I think that kid ended up with sand in every crevice of his body! (sorry for the visual)Scotty and his cousin Ethan
Covered in SAND!
All the Cousins!
Me and Spence Chillin' on the beach
We went to Steve's sister's house in Pasadena for a great bbq on Saturday and had so much fun there too! It was great to be with everyone.
Sunday was more family fun after church..Here's Spence with his cousin Gage's drum set..too funny
.. and then we left Monday. Steve and I were commenting on the way to the airport how smoothly things has gone and how we had only gone over our budget by like $2.00.
I was so proud of us, but we were back to reality real quick. Here is us feeling proud and happy for ourselves..didn't know what was coming!
The LA airport was a mess and it took us an hour and a half to get through check in and security.
We got on our flight and Spencer was of course, a nightmare because he was so tired! We get up in the air and the stewardess is bringing around drinks. Before she could hand me mine, the plane hit an air pocket and DROPPED 400 FEET! Drinks were everywhere, kids were crying, flight attendents freaking out, and Steve had been standing at the back of the plane when it happened. Luckily he sat down as we started to fall so he was okay but Spencer was just whailing!
I needed a serious Dr. Pepper and Advil after that! But wait, the fun wasn't over yet- My mom and dad picked us up in different cars and we headed home.. exhausted. As we exit the airport, my mom switches lane and runs over something metal in the road and my TIRE blows out! We cross like 18 lanes to get to the side and after a few choice words, I reach for my cell phone. It's dead and my mom left her in the other car with Steve and my Dad who are already ahead of us!
My mom flags down someone after 10 minutes which clearly was not safe but our only option. Steve and my Dad circle back and changed our tire, which is totally blown out..so much for staying in the budget right? Sooo, we got home FINALLY at 11:00 pm and fell into bed! Are you exhausted reading this??
Anyway, LOTS of fun and great memories made! Oh, and I almost forgot..our trip wasn't complete without a few stops at.. Are you jealous??
Friday, July 25, 2008
California Dreamin'
3:29 PM
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Yes, I am jealous about that In N Out Burger! Also, the beach and swimming, all the family-so much fun! You poor soul with the way it all ended though. That airpocket-gee whiz! Well, you are back and safe...did ya get the tire replaced today btw?
It looks like a great summer vaca... Glad you got to go and almost totally stayed in budget...D*** that tire!! Seriously you were supossed to die that day. Glad you have at least three lives!!
Sounds like a fun trip! Abbey was telling us all about it in class today! You certainly can't beat California Dreamin'!
Oh Jenny, I'm so laughing, can I tell you the ride home with your mom, just brings back floods of memories of Sampsons telling stories because that kind of stuff always happened to someone and there was always a good laugh from a conversation with a Sampson... Oh thanks for that. Looks like you had a great time, I love the Beach and Disneyland one of my favs... Take care
I am so glad you guys were able to come and visit for a short time, sure wish you lived closer. If we're ever in your area we'll be sure to stop by and repay you with a visit. Give all the kids a little love from us!!
Love you, The Munsons
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