Plus This...
Equals This...
Not a fun day for us!! I was ironing a shirt and Spence was right next to me..I put the iron down and turned around thinking Spence was behind me and then I hear the cry you never want to hear from your kid..After 15 minutes of running water and ice packs, we were headed to the E-care clinic.
Needless to say, he survived and was a VERY good patient. They had to wrap it extra tight because toddlers are known to try and take these off. I felt so bad for him!!
He is already back to his old self..running around and causing mayhem!
Scotty said to me today.."Mom, Spence burned his hand because he is faster than you." (He does get into trouble faster than any child I know).. so, truer words have never been spoken. I'm reminded to keep my eyes on this kid 24/7.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
3:11 PM
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Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Spring Break and then some..
We had a great "stay-cation" for Spring Break and actually had a really fun week! The kids were able to play outside ALL day the first day because the weather was so nice..gotta love spring in Texas (minus the storms and tornados!)
Tuesday, we went to the park and had lunch at a friends house..again, ALL day outside. My kids had that perma- outside smell which I love! I actually want them to get out and get dirty like I did as a kid, and they don't get to do that all the time.
Wednesday, we went with some friends to a big bounce house place where they had of course, bouncing, laser tag, games, food and a fun dance floor that Spence loved. He was cuttin' a rug to Hannah Montana. It was so fun to watch. Plus, they were all tired and ready for a nap was I!
Thursday, Steve was able to take off work and we went on the Grapevine Vintage Railroad Train. It is just like it old steam engine train that took us from Grapevine TX, to Fort Worth where we were able to see the stockyards there.
Me and my friend Kellie picked up these two handsome guys at the bar..
On the way out, the train got "robbed" by a few real cowboys so the kids thought that was so cool. The train was absolutely amazing.
They finally got the bad guy..he surrendered!
After we got to Ft. Worth, we walked around and saw all the longhorns, horses and fed a few animals at the petting zoo. We then ate at this great bbq place, Risky's. BBQ in texas is just awesome, of course. The kids bought a few souveniers and then we got back on the train for home. It was a great day and a fun experience for all of us.
Gotta love this kid!
Friday, my friend Anne and her kids came over to do a lemonade stand. They actually did all the work, and brought everything to my neighborhood. They sold cookies, candy, and lemonade. Then Abbey, Scott and Sydney and Jaxon (anne's kids) drove around on their bikes drumming up business. Abbey could be good in sales when she gets her dad!
Anyway, they made $6 which was pretty darn good for 2 hours and lots of $.10, $.15 and $.25 items. The kids had alot of fun and made some serious cash. :)
It was so fun spending time with my kids all was a little exhausting but we made some great memories and I am so blessed to have each of them.. They keep me on my toes and always laughing..
This pic of Scotty sums up the week after..we were all so tired after our adventurous week, so hence..sleep was a necessity! (love the popcorn in the hand!!)
9:00 AM
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Sunday, March 15, 2009
Kids Activities
Just thought I would post about a few of the kids activities at school lately.
Scotty had his annual hoedown where all the kids dress up, sings songs and then have a little country "feast" with cornbread, pigs in blanket etc. The songs they sang were so cute. They sang "The Eyes of Texas are Upon You" and a "Deep in the Heart of Texas." Thank goodness my friend got pics for me as we were in a hurry and forgot our camera..I know, I am a terrible mom!
They were great and Scotty got to stand with all his friends so he had a great time!
These next pics are just of Abbey at her school assembly.."Elliott Live" They dance and have programs and skits etc every Friday morning. She must have been doing the cha, cha slide or something! She is growing up so much! Anyway, I thought these were cute.
This is Spence, just in this silly hat..can't resist it. He might hate me for blogging about it later in life but it was too cute not to share.
3:30 PM
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Thursday, March 05, 2009
Catching up..AGAIN!
I am totally behind lately. I can't seem to catch up with my life but wanted to update our family for the last few months. January came and went so fast. After the holidays, school started again and everything was in high gear. Abbey has done some fun things in the past few months. Her grade did a "America" themed concert and she did so great. She was a narrator and got to say her line at the microphone, so that was exciting. The pics are so dark but she did great!
Abbey also did a dance camp at the high school by us. She is doing so great and working on her double turns and splits..of course, I love that she loves to dance. She did the camp with her friend Kayla and they had alot of fun. Then they were invited to perform at the half time show for the high school girls basketball game. She loved it and we were so proud of her!
Valentines came and went...:( I wish Steve and I were more romantic but as the years pass, we generally prefer to hang out at home instead of going out but we did go out and had a fun time. We went to dinner with some friends and then onto the BYU/TCU basketball game. My brother and his wife were in town with the team so he got us was fun to see them.
The last and big news of the last few weeks is that I finally got a new couch..well, not really new, but in the spirit of using what you got instead of buying new..I found a great cover for my couch and had my friend Julie recover my cushions. I went and picked out the fabric with a friend since I am fabrically challenged (is that a word?) She speaks the sewing language, so she (Anne) and I picked out new stuff and took it to Julie. She was a miracle worker and viola!! Here is the before and after..all for under $200 bucks.
Thanks Julie and Anne!!
Before: (sorry this was xmas morning and I look pretty bad!
After: The first few are on my new couch!!.. and the last few are at Julie's couch..
I will try to be better about posting and keeping up..hope everyone is well!
8:26 AM
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