SYTYCD!! Party at my house every Thurs to watch!! This is the only way I keep in touch with dancing which used to be such a huge part of my life when I was younger..LOVE this-
So You Think You Can Dance season 4 preview - talent!
Twilight...The Movie
I totally found this from my friend Haley's blog..could not be more excited to see this. I don't want to wait until December!!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Two things I can't WAIT for!!
9:19 AM
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Whoa! Can not wait...for either one! Seriously, that last part in the trailer for Twilight is priceless. Edward is gonna grow on me I think:)
I'm counting down the days until SYTYCD starts. I love Mary Murphy and her crazy screams!
OH MAN! I can't wait for the Twilight movie to come out. Thanks for sharing that clip!
sytycd is great. We got the dvr all set up for tomorrow. And Tracey is all about Twilight. I got her the books for Christmas and didn't see her for the next couple days as she couldn't pull herself away from them.
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